Terms of Use

Your access and use of this website constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use.

“This website” means all webpages located on the ezy.fund domain name and its related sub-domains.

This website is the website of Ezy Fund Pty Ltd (Ezyfund), ABN 74 649 114 296, trading as Ezy.Fund

Your access and use of this website is governed by these Terms of Use and the Privacy & Security Statement. By accessing and using this website you acknowledge and accept that you are bound by these Terms of Use and the Privacy & Security Statement.

Prohibited Activities
  • Use of any type of data accumulation tool, robot, or spider to compile, disseminate, extract, process, reproduce, or repackage in any form or monitor any of the web pages, content, data or information contained within or accessible through this website
  • To accumulate or combine the content, data or information contained or accessible through this website with content, data or information from any third party, without Ezyfund’s prior written permission
  • Use of high-volume, automated or systematic processes to obtain data or other information from this website
  • Compiling, repackaging or disseminating any information or data from this website
  • Accumulating data or information from this website whether or not using any automatic or manual process
  • Use of any type of device, process, routine or software either systematically or non-systematically to interfere or attempt to interfere with the functioning of this website or any transaction or process conducted on or through this website
  • To use or reproduce any information or data from this web site other than as specifically permitted by these Terms of Use
  • To incorporate into or store any information or data from this website in any other website, electronic retrieval system, database, publication or other work in any form, other than as specifically permitted by these Terms of Use
  • Combining or processing any data or information from this website with other data or information other than as specifically permitted by these Terms of Use
  • Creating a link to this website from another website without Ezyfund’s prior written permission
  • Using this website other than as specifically permitted by these Terms of Use or for any other purpose other than as a legitimate customer of ours
  • Any use of this website for an unlawful purpose or activity
  • Take any action which may disrupt access to, cause damage to, or interfere with, the proper operation of our website
  • Either yourself or through a third party changing, modifying, reproducing, or creating any works derived from this website, or displaying in public, any part or content of this website without Ezyfund’s prior written permission or unless you have a non-excludable legal right to do so

If you breach these Terms of Use, you agree to indemnify us for any loss that we may suffer or any costs that may be incurred from your breach.

Any failure by us to exercise any right, power or remedy under these Terms of Use shall not operate as a waiver of our rights.

Permitted Activities

This website may only be used for the following permitted activities:

  • A use authorised in writing by an Ezy Fund Pty Ltd
  • Ezy Fund staff or panel of service providers carrying out their duties for Ezy Fund
  • Temporary browsing as a genuine customer, or for personal non-commercial interest
Intellectual property

All intellectual property on this website – including the Ezy Fund trademarks and copyright in the information, text, graphics, services and other data – is owned by us and no part of this website may be reproduced, stored, modified, adapted, uploaded to another location or produced for display in public in any form without our prior written approval.

Intellectual property includes, but is not limited to, the Ezy Fund trademarks and copyright in the information, text, graphics, services and other data.

The Ezyfund Website

The law which applies to this website and to disputes arising out of this website, is the law of the state of South Australia, Australia.

The information contained on this website may not be accurate or up to date in all respects. We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information contained on this website.

The information on this website is provided for Australian residents only, and where indicated, may be limited to specific states and territories of Australia. The law of South Australia governs these Terms of Use.

This website may contain links to third party websites. Ezy Fund and its related entities do not make any representations as to the contents of any third party websites, and expressly disclaim that they operate any website other than this website.

Access to Ezy Fund’s approved panel of service providers are offered solely to assist you to engage an Ezy Fund approved service provider. We are paid a commission when you engage the services of an Ezy Fund approved service provider. The commission or fee paid to us will vary depending on the types of product or services you select.

You are not authorised to, and you agree not to, use high-volume, automated or systematic processes to obtain quotes or make service request applications, or to make an excessive number of requests to the services offered by our panel of service providers.

You also agree not to use, copy, compile, repackage or disseminate any information obtained from our online service for any purpose other than your personal, non-commercial purposes without Ezy Fund’s prior written consent, and you specifically agree that you will not use, or obtain with an intention to use, such information for the purpose of discovering the business logic of either service, or creating a tool that predicts the operation of either service.

If you contravene the above paragraph, Ezy Fund reserves the right to terminate your access to these services in its sole discretion, without prejudice to any other rights that it may have.

You acknowledge that the business logic (including the relative importance of service or service provider) used to implement the services are trade secrets of Ezy Fund and that Ezy Fund would suffer significant harm if such business logic were to be derived, and subsequently used or disclosed, in breach of these Terms of Use.

The Ezy Fund trademarks may not be used or reproduced without the prior written consent of Ezy Fund Pty Ltd.
