Privacy Policy

Ezy Fund Pty Ltd Privacy Policy

In this privacy policy, reference to Ezyfund is a reference to Ezy Fund Pty Ltd ABN 74 649 114 296, and references to you (or similar personal pronoun) is a reference to the person about whom Ezyfund collects information under this privacy policy. 

This privacy policy applies to personal information, including sensitive information, and credit-related personal information (credit-related information) collected by Ezyfund. Ezyfund is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)(Privacy Act), which governs the way private sector organisations collect, use, keep secure and disclose personal information. Ezyfund is also bound by the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (Spam Act) which governs the way Ezyfund conducts some of its direct marketing activities.

This privacy policy is to inform people of:

  • how and when Ezyfund collects personal and credit related information;
  • how Ezyfund uses and discloses personal and credit related information;
  • how Ezyfund keeps personal and credit related information secure, accurate and up-to-date;
  • how an individual can access and correct their personal and credit-related information; and
  • how Ezyfund will facilitate or resolve a privacy complaint.

If you have any concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal or credit-related information is collected, used or disclosed by Ezyfund, Ezyfund has put in place an effective mechanism and procedure for you to contact Ezyfund so that Ezyfund can attempt to resolve the issue or complaint.

Please note that the Ezyfund website may contain links to other websites. When a user has clicked on a link to another site, they leave the Ezyfund site and are no longer protected by this privacy policy.

Ezyfund recommends that you keep this information for future reference.

1. What is personal information?

(a) The Privacy Act defines personal information to mean information or an opinion, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is reasonably identifiable, from the information or opinion.

2. Sensitive information

(a) What is Sensitive Information

(i) Sensitive information is a subset of personal information. It means information or opinion about an individual’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political organisation, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health information about an individual, genetic information, biometric information that is to be used for the purpose of automated biometric verification or biometric identification or biometric templates.

(ii) In general, Ezyfund seeks to limit the collection of sensitive information Ezyfund may collect from you, but depending on the use you make of Ezyfund services, this may not always be possible and Ezyfund may collect sensitive information from you in order to carry out the services provided to you. However, Ezyfund does not collect sensitive information from you without your consent.

(iii) The type of sensitive information Ezyfund may collect from you or record about you is dependent on the services provided to you by Ezyfund and will be limited to the purpose(s) for which it is collected. Ezyfund does not use sensitive information to send you Direct Marketing Communications (as defined in paragraph 7 below) without your express consent.

3. Consent to collection of certain types of sensitive

(a) Ezyfund may collect personal, private and sensitive information of yours from

(i) finance brokers and insurance brokers and agents banks, and other financial institutions;

(ii) accountant(s), and other professional service providers;

(iii) current and past employer(s);

(iv) credit reporting agencies;

(v) collection agents; and

(vi) its related entities,

including credit-related information, where you have consented and agree to the collection of such information.

4. What is credit-related information?

(a) Credit-related information is broadly defined under the Privacy Act, but relevantly includes personal information, that is: identification information and the type of credit and commercial credit sought by an individual or which an individual may access, and the credit record of that individual. 

5. Collection of your personal and credit related information

(a) Ezyfund only collects personal and credit-related information that is necessary for what  Ezyfund does and Ezyfund holds the personal and credit-related information Ezyfund collects within its own data storage devices or with a third party provider of data storage. The type of information Ezyfund may collect from you depends ultimately upon the purpose of collection and Ezyfund set out the general purposes of collection at paragraph 6 below.

(b) The type of personal information Ezyfund may collect from you includes (but is not limited to) the following:

(i) your contact information such as full name (first and last), e-mail address, current postal address, delivery address (if different to postal address) and phone numbers;

(ii) details of the property address at which you reside and conduct business, contact information of the property’s occupants (such as full name, e-mail address, phone numbers), contact information of who manages the property;

(iii) information concerning or relating to your purchases of goods or services over this website;

(iv) financial and billing information (such as a credit card number/expiration date/security code, bank account details, billing address, repayment information and invoice details and purchasing history);

(v) proof of your identity (including, but not limited to, date of birth, driver’s licence, passport, birth certificate);

(vi) your opinions, statements and endorsements collected personally or via surveys and questionnaires, including but not limited to your views on the services offered by Ezyfund; and

(vii) Ezyfund may also collect and hold the following credit-related information:

(1) identification information – name, date of birth, current or previous address, driver’s licence number;

(2) type and amount of credit sought by you from credit providers;

(3) trade references – name of entity, ABN, contact name, telephone number, fax number, email, years trading with you;

(4) publicly available information about an individual’s creditworthiness;

(5) consumer credit liability information – name of credit provider, type of consumer credit, details of the consumer credit provided;

(6) default information;

(7) repayment history information; and

(8) payment information in relation to an overdue amount.

(c) Your personal and credit-related information may be collected in a number of ways, including:

(i) directly by Ezyfund staff when you seek, or enquire about, Ezyfund services;  or

(ii) when you use the Ezyfund website or complete a form on the Ezyfund website.

(d) As much as possible or unless provided otherwise under this privacy policy, Ezyfund will collect your information directly from you. In some circumstances, where it is unreasonable  or impractical or inappropriate to collect information from you, Ezyfund may collect information about you from a third party source. For example, Ezyfund may collect information from a publicly maintained record or from credit providers, subject to any restrictions at law. If Ezyfund collect details about you from someone else, Ezyfund will, whenever reasonably possible and appropriate, make you aware that Ezyfund has done this and why. Ezyfund may also collect personal or credit-related information about you when it is provided by third parties with your consent, which you provide by using Ezyfund’s website or submitting an application. Typically, Ezyfund will not seek consent for the use or disclosure of your personal and credit-related information at the time of collection following a submission by you. In certain circumstances, Ezyfund may seek your consent to a new use or disclosure of your personal information after your information has been collected, but before Ezyfund engages in such new use or disclosure.

(e) When you engage in certain activities, such as entering a contest or promotion, filling out a survey or sending Ezyfund feedback, Ezyfund may ask you to provide certain information. It is completely optional for you to engage in these activities.

(f) Depending upon the reason for requiring the information, some of the information Ezyfund asks you to provide may be identified as mandatory or voluntary. If you do not provide the mandatory data or any other information Ezyfund requires in order for Ezyfund to provide its services to you, Ezyfund may be unable to effectively provide its services to you.

(g) If you use the Ezyfund website, Ezyfund may utilise cookies which enables Ezyfund to monitor traffic patterns and to serve you more efficiently if you revisit the Ezyfund website. A cookie does not identify you personally but may identify your internet service provider or computer. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance.

(h) Ezyfund may gather your IP address as part of its business activities and to assist with any operational difficulties or support issues with its services. This information does not identify you personally.

6. How Ezyfund may use and disclose your personal and credit-related information

(a) Ezyfund will only use or disclose your information for the primary purposes for which it was collected or a purpose related to the primary purpose or the purposes otherwise described in this policy, if this use would be reasonably expected by you or otherwise with your consent on a reasonable reading of this policy. In this regard, it is reasonably expected that Ezyfund may disclose your private or sensitive information to its agents and contractors that provide administrative or other services including:

(i) its bankers and other financial institutions or funds providers in relation to any financing arrangement that it has or may establish at any time in the future;

(ii) credit reporting agencies;

(iii) collection agents;

(iv) where it collects your information from someone else, or another entity, then Ezyfund may disclose any of your private information to that person or entity; and

(v) relevant complaints tribunals and government agencies including the Australian Taxation Office, in accordance with its regulatory obligations.

(b) Ezyfund collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal and credit-related information to facilitate a purpose in connection with:

(i) if required, the verification of your identity;

(ii) the provision of Ezyfund services and any ancillary or secondary or related services to you, which shall include but is not limited to:

(1) The administration and management of Ezyfund services and any ancillary or secondary services, including charging, delivery, billing, credit card authorisation and verification, checks for financial standing, credit-worthiness (including but not limited to undertaking an assessment for credit loss and obtaining credit references, if applicable), fraud and collecting debts; and

(2) to offer you updates, or other content or products and services that may be of interest to you (unless as directed otherwise);

(iii) facilitating the administration and management of Ezyfund, including but not limited to the use of your personal information collected in accordance with paragraph 3.1 in the administration and management of Ezyfund;

(iv) the improvement of Ezyfund services (including to contact you about those improvements and asking you to participate in surveys about Ezyfund services and any ancillary or secondary services including anonymous comparative research unless as directed otherwise);

(v) the maintenance and development of Ezyfund services and any ancillary or secondary or related services, business systems and infrastructure;

(vi) marketing and promotional activities by Ezyfund and its related bodies (including by direct mail, telemarketing, email, SMS and MMS messages, and advertisements on social media) such as Ezyfund newsletters (unless as directed otherwise);

(vii) marketing and promotional activities by Ezyfund(including by direct mail, telemarketing, email, SMS and MMS messages, and advertisements on social media) that promote the goods and/or services provided by Ezyfund commercial partners that may be of interest to you and for which Ezyfund may derive a commercial benefit from (unless as directed otherwise);

(viii) to provide customer service functions, including handling customer enquiries and complaints, to offer you updates, or other content or products and services that may be of interest to you (unless as directed otherwise);

(ix) Ezyfund’s compliance with applicable laws;

(x) the sale, and matters in connection with a potential sale, of the Ezyfund business or company to a third party;

(xi) any other matters reasonably necessary to continue to provide Ezyfund services and any ancillary or secondary or related services to you including the ongoing business development of Ezyfund; and

(xii) other purposes related to any of the above.

(c) Ezyfund may also use or disclose your personal and credit-related information without seeking your additional consent:

(i) if Ezyfund reasonably believe that the use or disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious or imminent threat to an individual’s life, health or safety or to lessen or prevent a threat to public health or safety;

(ii) if Ezyfund has reason to suspect that unlawful activity has been, or is being, engaged in; or 

(iii) if it is required or authorised by law.

7. The types of organisations to which Ezyfund may disclose your information

(a) Ezyfund may disclose your information to organisations outside of Ezyfund. Examples of organisations and parties that your information may be provided to include:

(i) offshore service providers, if any;

(ii) related entities and subsidiaries of Ezyfund;

(iii) third parties, such as Stripe or any other payment gateways for processing online payment card transactions for payment of orders;

(iv) third parties, such as service providers who advise on insurance policies or lending solutions and obtain estimates of premium funding or financial products via this website, including but not limited to your broker or other intermediary;

(v) third parties, such as advertising agencies, for the purpose of advertising and promoting the goods and services of Ezyfund and its commercial partners which may be of interest to you; and

(vi) Ezyfund contractors, agents, and venture partners, including but not limited to Ezyfund suppliers and distributors, or other companies who assist Ezyfund in providing Ezyfund services and ancillary and secondary or related services to you.

(b) Your personal information is disclosed to these organisations and parties only in relation to the goods or services Ezyfund provide to you or for a purpose permitted by this privacy policy.

(c) Ezyfund will take such steps as are reasonable to ensure that these organisations and parties are aware of the provisions of this privacy policy in relation to your personal information. However, the information provided to third parties will be dealt with in accordance with that third party’s privacy policy.

8. Direct Marketing

(a) You are entitled to have access to any personal information relating to you which Ezyfund possess, except in some exceptional circumstances provided by law. You are also entitled to edit and correct such information if the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

(b) If you would like access to or to correct any records of personal information Ezyfund has about you, you are able to access and update that information (subject to the above) by contacting Ezyfund via the details set out in paragraph 28. (b). Ezyfund requires that requests for access to or to update or correct your information to be in writing outlining the details of your request.

(c) Ezyfund will take appropriate steps to verify your identity (or verify that you act as an authorised agent of the individual concerned) before granting a request to access your personal information. You may be charged reasonable expenses incurred in giving you any information you have requested (such as searching and photocopying costs) and may be required to provide evidence supporting your request to correct information at your own cost.

(d) Ezyfund will respond to your request for access to your personal information within a reasonable time after you make the request and if access is granted, access will be provided within 30 days from your request. Ezyfund will, on request, provide you with access to your personal information or update or correct your personal information, unless Ezyfund is lawfully excluded from granting your request, including if:

(i) giving access would be unlawful;

(ii) Ezyfund is required or authorised by law or a court/tribunal order to deny access; or

(iii) giving access is likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by an enforcement body.

(e) Where your request for access is accepted, Ezyfund will provide you with access to your personal information in a manner, as requested by you, providing it is reasonable to do so.

(f) Your request for correction will be dealt with within 30 days, or such longer period as agreed by you. If Ezyfund denies your request, Ezyfund will provide you with a written notice providing reasons for the refusal and the process for making a complaint about the refusal to grant your request.

(g) Ezyfund will accept your request for correction of your credit-related information where Ezyfund is satisfied that it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

(h) Upon accepting a request for correction of your personal information, Ezyfund will take all steps that are reasonable in the circumstances, having regard to the purpose for which your information is held, to correct your personal information.

(i) If your request for correction of credit-related information is accepted Ezyfund will provide written notice of this correction to any entity to which Ezyfund has disclosed this information previously, to the extent that this is practicable.

9. Cross Border Disclosure

(a) Any personal information provided to Ezyfund may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside Australia, including but not limited to New Zealand where Ezyfund may utilise overseas data and website hosting facilities or have entered into contractual arrangements with third party service providers to assist Ezyfund with providing Ezyfund services to you. Personal information may also be processed by staff or by other third parties operating outside Australia who work for EEzyfund or for one of Ezyfund’s suppliers, agents, partners or related companies.

(b) By submitting your personal information to Ezyfund, you expressly agree and consent to the disclosure, transfer, storing or processing of your personal information outside of Australia. In providing this consent, you understand and acknowledge that countries outside Australia do not always have the same privacy protection obligations as Australia in relation to personal information. However, Ezyfund may take certain steps to ensure that your information is used by third parties securely and in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy.

(c) The Privacy Act requires Ezyfund to take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that any recipients of your personal information outside of Australia do not breach the privacy principles contained within the Privacy Act. In accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act, by providing your consent under this policy or Ezyfund’s terms and conditions then Ezyfund is not required to take such steps as may be reasonable in the circumstances and sub-clause 8.1 of Principle 8 of the Australian Privacy Principles shall not apply. However, despite this, Ezyfund acknowledges the importance of protecting personal information and may take reasonable steps to ensure that your information is used by third parties securely and in accordance with the terms of this privacy policy.

(d) If you do not agree to the transfer of your personal information outside Australia, please contact Ezyfund via the details set out in 28 (b).

10. Data quality and security

(a) Ezyfund will take reasonable steps to help ensure your personal and credit-related information is safe. You will appreciate, however, that Ezyfund cannot guarantee the security of all transmissions or information, especially where the Internet and electronic communications are involved.

(b) Notwithstanding the above, while Ezyfund will take reasonable steps to:

(i) make sure that the personal information Ezyfund collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date;

(ii) protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure both physically and through computer security methods; and

(iii) destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no longer needed for its purpose of collection, you acknowledge and agree that electronic information handling, storage, use and management, fax and electronic mail and Short Message Services and other electronic messaging services (together electronic information) are not secure and there are risks of legally or commercially or personally sensitive information being inadvertently misdirected, security breaches, loss or non-delivery of material, and you confirm that your arrangements and conduct, including with regard to your identity, passwords and electronic information management, are sufficiently secure and confidential to protect your interests and we are not obliged to take steps to verify or confirm electronic information and whether we take such steps or not we will have no duty or liability as a result of an electronic information breach that does not originate from us and you will carry out effective procedures and conduct yourself to protect the integrity of your electronic information.

(c) Your personal and credit-related information will be stored as files in a secured area, on Ezyfund’s electronic database system, on cloud-based servers or on computers with appropriate back up and security systems. Ezyfund aims to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, interference, unauthorised access or alteration by:

(i) imposing confidentiality requirements on Ezyfund’s employees;

(ii) implementing security measures to govern access to Ezyfund’s systems;

(iii) only providing access to personal information once proper identification has been given;

(iv) controlling access to Ezyfund’s premises; and

(v) implementing website protection measures.

(d) However, the accuracy of personal information depends largely on the information you provide to Ezyfund, so Ezyfund recommends that you:

(i) let Ezyfund know if there are any errors in your personal information; and

(ii) keep Ezyfund up-to-date with changes to your personal information (such as your name or address).

11. Access to and correction of your information

(a) You are entitled to have access to any personal information relating to you which Ezyfund possess, except in some exceptional circumstances provided by law. You are also entitled to edit and correct such information if the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

(b) If you would like access to or to correct any records of personal information Ezyfund has about you, you are able to access and update that information (subject to the above) by contacting Ezyfund via the details set out in paragraph 28. (b). Ezyfund requires that requests for access to or to update or correct your information to be in writing outlining the details of your request.

(c) Ezyfund will take appropriate steps to verify your identity (or verify that you act as an authorised agent of the individual concerned) before granting a request to access your personal information. You may be charged reasonable expenses incurred in giving you any information you have requested (such as searching and photocopying costs) and may be required to provide evidence supporting your request to correct information at your own cost.

(d) Ezyfund will respond to your request for access to your personal information within a reasonable time after you make the request and if access is granted, access will be  provided within 30 days from your request. Ezyfund will, on request, provide you with access to your personal information or update or correct your personal information, unless Ezyfund is lawfully excluded from granting your request, including if:

(i) giving access would be unlawful;

(ii) Ezyfund is required or authorised by law or a court/tribunal order to deny access; or

(iii) giving access is likely to prejudice one or more enforcement related activities conducted by an enforcement body.

(e) Where your request for access is accepted, Ezyfund will provide you with access to your personal information in a manner, as requested by you, providing it is reasonable to do so.

(f) Your request for correction will be dealt with within 30 days, or such longer period as agreed by you. If Ezyfund denies your request, Ezyfund will provide you with a written notice providing reasons for the refusal and the process for making a complaint about the refusal to grant your request.

(g) Ezyfund will accept your request for correction of your credit-related information where Ezyfund is satisfied that it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

(h) Upon accepting a request for correction of your personal information, Ezyfund will take all steps that are reasonable in the circumstances, having regard to the purpose for which your information is held, to correct your personal information.

(i) If your request for correction of credit-related information is accepted Ezyfund will provide written notice of this correction to any entity to which Ezyfund has disclosed this information previously, to the extent that this is practicable.

12. Dealing with Ezyfund anonymously

(a) Where lawful and practicable to do so, you can deal with Ezyfund anonymously or using a pseudonym but only when making a general enquiry about the goods and services that Ezyfund can offer to you including via telephone or Ezyfund’s website.

(b) At the time you engage Ezyfund’s services, it is no longer lawful or practicable for you to deal with Ezyfund anonymously or using a pseudonym and you warrant that the information you provide is true, correct and up to date.

13. Credit information notifiable matters

(a)  Ezyfund may disclose your credit-related information to any credit reporting bodies.  Any credit-related information Ezyfund collects or holds about you will be dealt with in accordance with this privacy policy.

14. Resolving privacy complaints

(a) Ezyfund has put in place an effective mechanism and procedure to resolve privacy complaints. Ezyfund will ensure that all complaints are dealt with in a reasonably appropriate timeframe, but not more than 30 days after receiving the complaint, so that any decision (if any decision is required to be made) is made expeditiously and in a manner that does not compromise the integrity or quality of any such decision.

(b) If you have any concerns or complaints about the manner in which Ezyfund has collected, used or disclosed and stored your personal information or other questions about this policy, please contact Ezyfund in writing by:

(i) Email:

(ii) Post: PO Box 21, Torrensville Plaza SA 5031

(c) Please mark your correspondence to the attention of the Privacy Officer.

(d) In order to resolve a complaint, Ezyfund:

(i) will liaise with you to identify and define the nature and cause of the complaint;

(ii) will keep you informed of the likely time within which Ezyfund will respond to your complaint; and

(iii) will inform you of the legislative basis (if any) of Ezyfund’s decision in resolving such complaint. 

(e) Ezyfund will keep a record of the complaint and any action taken in a Register of Complaints.

(f) If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner to be resolved.

15. Consent

(a) By voluntarily supplying Ezyfund with your personal information, using Ezyfund’s website or by accepting the terms of Ezyfund’s terms and conditions which refer to this privacy policy, you are agreeing to the terms of this privacy policy.

(b) Ezyfund reserves the right to modify its privacy policy as its business needs require. Ezyfund will notify you of such changes (whether by direct communication or by posting a notice on its website), after which, your continued use of Ezyfund, services or website or your continued dealings with Ezyfund shall be deemed to be your agreement to the modified terms. If you do not agree to Ezyfund’s continued use of your personal or credit-related information due to the changes in its privacy policy, please contact Ezyfund via the details set out in paragraph 28. (b) of this document.

16. Cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you access a website. As you browse, cookies gather and store some information about the way you use that website.

Cookies allow the website to recognise your device each time you visit, providing you with a better experience because the site learns your preferences as you browse. Some types of cookies also perform essential functions to enhance how the site works.

Different Types of Cookies

Session cookies

Session cookies allow websites to track your movements from page to page and are used for a number of reasons, such as remembering items in a shopping cart. These cookies are usually erased when you close your web browser.

Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device between browser sessions for a pre-defined amount of time. These allow the site to remember user information or settings across the site, or in some cases across different websites. They also enable targeted advertising.

First and third party cookies

First party cookies are set by the website you’re browsing. Third party cookies come from other websites or servers, for functions such as advertising pop-ups or banners on the page you’re viewing.

Necessary cookies

Necessary cookies are either session or persistent cookies, and can be delivered by a first or third party. These cookies perform functions such as keeping your site visit secure and remembering you between pages, for example when you navigate from page to page in a form filling session. Access to certain parts of Ezy.Fund website depends on these types of cookies.

Functional cookies

Functional cookies can be either session or persistent cookies, and can be delivered by a first or third party. They remember information such as usernames or language settings and may allow the site to display important alerts. These cookies aren’t considered necessary, and can be blocked by the user, although this may impact how the site functions. In some instances, functional cookies are used by the Ezyfund website to provide customers applying from certain pages special offers.

Tracking and social cookies

These cookies can be either session or persistent cookies, and are delivered by a first or third party. They’re not essential for the function of the website, but may improve experience by providing content relevant to you and your interests.

How We Use Cookies

Ezy Fund uses a combination of the cookies listed depending on which parts of our sites you visit and what you’re trying to do. You can control how cookies are used on your computer or device by changing your browser settings. 

Some of the cookies that the Ezy.Fund website uses are essential for protecting our customers’ financial and personal information.

From time to time our web pages contain special offers and we may use cookies to provide customers with these offers. This requires you to have cookies enabled to ensure these cookies are stored on your computer when applying.

How To Block or Delete Cookies

Cookies are supported by most web browsers, but you can set your browser to block cookies and you can delete them whenever you like.

If you decide to delete or block certain cookies, special offers contained on the web pages may not be provided. Your experience on Ezy.Fund website may also be limited, or you may find that some parts of the website won’t work, especially where cookies are used for security and fraud detection functions.

To change your web browser preferences:

Google Chrome

Open your Chrome browser > go to Customise and Control Google Chrome > Settings > Main Menu > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Content Settings > Cookies. Then you can choose your settings.

For more instructions visit how to adjust cookie settings on mobile devices.


Go to Settings > Safari > Preferences > Privacy. Then you can choose your settings.  

For more information, including on mobile visit how to adjust cookie settings on Apple devices.

Internet Explorer and Edge

Open the browser > select Tools > Internet Options > Privacy > Advanced. Then you can choose your settings.

For more information visit Microsoft Support.

Mozilla Firefox

Open Firefox > select Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies. You can then choose your settings.

For more information visit Mozilla support.
