Let’s see what we can answer for you.

A broker will consider the range of options available in the market, giving you better rates.

We always ensure that our brokers have your best interests in mind. When a mortgage broker selects a loan best suited to your needs, they will create a comprehensive report that shows the interest rates of competing banks and the commission rate they receive if the loan was to be processed.

Brokers are regularly audited to ensure that they are working fairly in the best interests of their clients.

Absolutely – all of our brokers on Ezyfund are licensed professionals so we can guarantee that you are receiving the best expert advice.

If you would like to double-check whether your matched broker is licensed, you can search the following three lists on ASIC Connect’s Professional Registers:

  • Credit Representative
  • Credit Registered Person
  • Credit Licensee

After we match you, the broker will contact you to receive more information about the loan you are wanting to seek and your financial circumstances.

They will then scour the market to find the best loan options for you. The broker will contact you and explain each option, and why they have chosen these loans for you. 

It’s a great time to ask your finance broker for information as they have a wealth of knowledge and experience. They will provide a comprehensive report, which will detail interest rates, features and fees.

When you choose a loan, the broker can help facilitate the process through to settlement.

At Ezyfund, we are always making sure we source brokers that are acting in the best interests of you.

If your experience with the matched broker wasn’t what you were looking for, you can decide to not proceed with the application.

You can also let us know about your experience here.

Your finance broker is paid directly by whichever financial institution you choose, at no additional cost to you. The Ezyfund service is additionally not charged at a direct cost to you. It is only chargeable upon success of your loan and your finance broker will cover this fee.
